Monday, June 29, 2009

Calm Season

Things have been very calm for Gabe in the NICU lately. Right now the focus is for him to continue gaining weight and wait and see what happens with his lungs. They haven't been improving at the rate that the doctors would like, but they have tried a couple of non-invasive options and waiting to see what happens.
Last time he got an x-ray, they could see that his lungs were collapsing a bit, so they upped his air pressure. His oxygen level has been pretty much the same ever since he was put on the CPAP. They would like to be able to bring the pressure and oxygen level down to ween him from the CPAP.
Funny story from Dan... when he was holding him on Saturday, they hung his feeding tube and syringe up after Gabe was done eating to get the last little bit to go down. Well, like any other baby, Gabe burps after he eats, but instead of it going through his mouth, it goes through the feeding tube and into the syringe. It makes a really funny noise when it happens, Dan described it like when you're sucking through a straw and you are sucking the last little bit out of the bottom. It cracked us up every time we heard it:)

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