Saturday, October 10, 2009

Great News!

There was some talk that Gabe could possibly be released this next week! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
He has come down to 1 liter on his oxygen flow, and is taking most of his feedings by mouth. He needs to be doing this for a few days before he can be discharged. They decided to wait on the hernia surgery until after he is older and healthier. That is fine with us, because we just want him home!
Dan and I are both sick right now, so please pray that we are healthy by the time he is ready to come home.


  1. How exciting! Keep us posted, and we hope you guys feel better soon!

  2. Oh my gosh, thank the Lord. I am so happy to hear that. We will be praying that everything contiues as need be for him to come home. That is so exciting. You will also be in our prayers that you both get to feeling better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help prepare for Gabe's homecoming. Love you guys and I am so happy for you!!!!!


  3. I love the pic of Dan and Gabe sleeping.

  4. so very excited for you! We will be praying!

  5. Shannon I'm so happpy that he's home. I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately. I'm 25 weeks pregnant and on bed rest b/c I'm having too many contractions. I'll keep praying that Gabe will not get sick.
